How to Play MIDI Keyboard Notes?

In case you have an ipad, or other MP3 player, you must be aware that it is possible to use it to play midi keyboard notes. It is really quite easy, once you get the hang of it, though. It really is great for practice, and great for learning how to play midi.

midi controller

Here is the step-by-step procedure:

1. Acquire your midi keyboard.

2. Then, take your ipad and place it above the digital pen.

3. Very carefully, very methodically, apply the pressure consistently throughout the screen, using the touch and finger just like you would use it when drawing with a marker pen.

4. Typically, you’d use a finger or wrist for touch, but some people use a harder, more deliberate type of pressure.

5. Really, really try to make it work.

6. After 20 to 30 seconds, let go of the device and then, repeat the step using another ipad.

7. Repeat this activity until all the ipads are connected and clearly heard each other.

That’s it! Simply keep repeating this cycle until all notes are connected!

Now, although this specific example is not 100% correct (I used an actual ipod against a real MP3 player), the idea is definitely practical.

The point is that you should keep practicing and keep finding ways to make your notes more effective. I’ve been using this very method for about 2 years now, and it works! I highly recommend it.